In support of the book "Bats, Balls & Bubblegum Cards"
1995-96 (01) Huntington Orioles, Cooperstown
1996 Huntington Orioles, Doubleday Field, Cooperstown Standing: Pete Nichols, Bob Pfaff, Paul, Jim Scalice, Gavin Mead, Mike Knapp, George Altemose, John Marzo, Anthony Chiaramonte Kneeling: Chris WilliamsA great field, and a nice sign. But, actually, Cooperstown was not the birthplace of baseball. The real birthplace of baseball was Manhattan, in 1845. And the founder was Alexander Cartwright. Abner Doubleday was in Cooperstown in 1839, but he had no connection with baseball. But it is a nice story, and Cooperstown is a great place to visit, and a great place to play baseball.